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Friday, June 10, 2011

Social Media and Me.

If I had to describe myself  I would say I am a strange. Someone eccentric in a normal world, or the only normal in a world of ecentrics I am one of those people who question things that most people would not care about. My attention is focused on things that most people ignore. I usually wonder the underlying reason of why the world's population attaches meaning to certain things that for me are rebundant.

Needless to say the things that are essential to my daily life are things that most people overlook..  Things like a smile, great lyrics, a beautiful sunset,  a deep stare and many small detailts that make up what I would consider essential.

When it comes to social marketing I would say that like everything in life it has a negative and positive side, it all depends on the way you look at it.. Additionally in this era the new gadgets, services, social networks are attracting followers all around the globe. We all have some form of social networks in our lives, be it Facebook, Twitter and more. We can’t seem to stop using them. It’s where our friends, families, and parties are, and most importantly it is a media to gain customers in the future. Most of us can’t live without it after experiencing how communication and productivity have become easier, either in personal or business life. However, the negative side of those easy going devices and services is privacy issues. Privacy can be exploited and become a threat if any of the personal information is revealed. Like Gerald J. Simmons said we don`t live in a world of reality, we live in a world of perceptions,"so weather it affects you positively or negatively it all depend on you.


Xasica said...

like :)

Karla Pappaterraa said...

hahahhaha, one of the funniest picture i've seen :D

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