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Friday, June 17, 2011

EMarketing Vocab!

Chapter 5 Search Engines
Above the fold- The content that can be seen on a screen without having to scroll down.
Algorithm - When it comes to search, a search engine's algorithm is its set of rules for computing ranking.
Browser- An application used to access the Internet. Popular browsers include Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.
Index - The databases for keywords created by the search engines.
Keyword -A word or words used by a searcher on a search engine. In SEO, keywords are the words that a web site is optimized to rank for, and in PPC, keywords are bid on by advertisers.
Keyword phrase- More than one keyword can be referred to as a keyword phrase.
Organic search results -The listings on a SERP resulting from the search engine's algorithm. These are not paid for.
Paid search results -The listings on a SERP that are paid for.
PPC- Pay Per Click is advertising on search engines where the advertiser pays only for each dick on their advert.
Ranking -In search, ranking is used to describe the relative position of a web page in the SERPs.
Search engine -A tool for searching the Internet. Users of search engines enter keywords relevant to their search, and the search engine returns results from its databases.
SEM Search Engine -Marketing refers to marketing that is related to search.
SE0 Search Engine- Optimisation is the practice that aims to improve a web site's ranking in the search engines for specific keywords.
SERP Search Engine Results Page - the page that shows the results for a search on a search engine. Spider- An automated program that scans or crawls web pages to gather information for search engines. Sponsored links- The paid search results on a SERP.
URL Universal Resource Locator-the address of a web page on the Internet.

Chapter 6 Search Engines

Alt- Text This refers to the nat" attribute for the image HTML tag. It is used in HTML to attribute a text field to an image on a web page, normally with a descriptive function, telling a user what an image is about and displaying the text in instance where the image is unable to load.
Anchor- Text The visible, clickable text in a link. 
Backlink - All the links on other pages that will take the user to a specific web page. Each link to that specific page is known as an inbound/backlink. The number of backlinks influences PageRank so the more backlinks the better - get linking! 
Domain Name- The name of a web site that distinguishes it from other systems on the World Wide Web.  
Heading Tags- Heading tags (H1, H2, H3 etc) are standard elements used to define headings and subheadings on a web page. The number indicates the importance, so H1 tags are viewed by the spiders as being more important that the H3 tags. Using target key phrases in your H tags is essential for effective SEO.  
Home Page- The first page of any web site. The home page gives users a glimpse into what your site is about — very much like the index in a book, or a magazine.
HTML- The abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language, read by web browsers. 
Certain - HTML tags are used to structure the information and features within a web page. 
Hyperlink - A link in a document (electronic) that allows you, once you dick on it, to follow the link to the relevant web page. 
IP Address The Internet Protocol (IP) address is a exclusive number, which is used to represent every single computer in a network
 Keyword Frequency -The number of times a keyword or key phrase appears on a web site. 
Keyword Phrase -Two or more words that are combined to form a search query - often referred to as keywords. It is usually better to optimise for a phrase rather than a single word.
 Keyword Rankings- This term refers to where the keywords/phrases targeted by SE0 rank amongst the search engines - if your targeted terms do not appear on the first 3 pages, start worrying. 
Landing rage- The page a user reaches when clicking on a paid or organic search engine listing. The pages that have the most success are those that match up as closely as possible with the user's search query.
 Link- A link is a URL imbedded on a web page. If you dick on the [ink you will be taken to that page. 
Link Bait- A technique for providing content that attracts links from other web pages. 
Localisation -The practice of creating a local version of a website, for a different country/language. 
Meta Tags- Meta tags are there to tell the spiders exactly what the web pages are about. It's important that your Meta tags are optimised for the targeted key phrases. Meta tags are made up of meta titles, descriptions and keywords. 
Personalised Search- Personalisation means that search results are personalised to, or vary, according to what search engines think a user is actually interested in. 
Refel 1— When a user clicks on a link from one site to another, the site the user left is the referrer. Most browsers log the referrer's URL in referrer strings. This information is vital to determining which queries are being used to find specific sites. 
Robot.txt - A file written and stored in the root directory of a web site that restricts the search engine spiders from indexing certain pages of the web site. 

Blogs Chapter 8
Blogging- A blog is a web site where entries (blog posts) are typically displayed in reverse chronological order. 
• Author - the person who wrote the blog post. 
• Blog post title - the title of the blog post, which is usually used to create a unique URL, or permalink, for the blog post. 
• Tag - tags are the categories used to describe the blog post, and aid services such as Technorati in categorising blog posts.
• Comment - comments left by readers of the blog are shown with the blog post. 
• TrackBack - a notification of other blogs linking to a post, often displayed below blog post. 
• RSS feed - an RSS feed allows for readers to subscribe easily to the blog. 
• Categories - blog posts can be allocated categories. 
• Blogroll - a collection of links to other blogs or web sites commonly read or used by the blogger. 
• Archives - previous posts remain available for visitors to search through. Archives are usually categorised by date. 
Chapter 12 : Web site development and Design
Above the fold -All the content that can be seen on a screen without scrolling down.
Accessibility- The degree to which a web site is available to users with disabilities or technical limitations.
Alt tag- Textual information that is displayed if an image cannot be displayed; used by search engines to determine what an image is.
Breadcrumb links -Links, usually on the top of the page, that indicate where a page is in the hierarchy of the web site.
Client-side operations that take place before information is sent to the server.
CMS Content Management System - a system that is used for updating content of a web site.
Common pay lements- Items which appear on every page of a web site.
CSS Cascading Style Sheets - an approach to web design that aims for lightweight code and standards compliant web sites.
DOM Document Object Model - a web standards approach to representing HTML and XML documents as objects.
Dynamic parameter -The elements of a URL that are dynamically generated.
Flash -A proprietary technology used to show video and animation; can be bandwidth heavy and unfriendly to search engine spiders.
HTML HyperText Markup Language - the code that is used to write most web sites. Information arcnitecture The layout and structure of a web site, which should be according to information hierarchy and categories.
Meta -data Information that can be entered about a web page and the elements on it that provide context and relevancy information to search engines; these used to be an important ranking factor.
Navigation- How a web user moves through a web site, and the elements that assist the user.
Nofollow link - Nofollow is an attribute of a hyperlink, indicating to search engines that the link is not endorsed by the web site.
Open source - Unlike proprietary software, open source software makes the source code available so that other developers can build applications for the software, or even improve on the software.
Robots Exclusion Protocol -A protocol used to indicate to search engine robots which pages should not be indexed. 
SERP Search engine results page - what you see when you use a search engine.
Server-side - Operations that take place on the server.
Sitemap - On a web site, a page that links to every other page in the web site, and displays these links organised according to the information hierarchy.
URL Universal resource locator - the web address is unique to every page on the Internet. Usability The measure of a web site's ability to accomplish the goals of the user.
W3C World Wide Web- Consortium which oversees the Web Standards project.
XML eXtensible Markup Language - a standard used for creating structured documents.

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