1)Definition Of Current Events And News.
Current events - news issues which are happening in the present and could be represented in all forms of the media.
News- News is the communication of selected information on current events which is presented by print, broadcast, Internet, or word of mouth to a third party or mass audience.
2)Sources Of News And Purposes
Sources Of News
On-Line Services,
Word Of Mouth
Social Networks
Headlines in the street,
Purpose of News
Social Cohesion
Elements Of News
Relevance - People like things that are relevant to their lives. News can be motivating, interesting, and relevant. Because of its relevance, People are likely to have encountered the news in their Life and bring a background knowledge.
Magnitude and impact - Big news stories get people talking in their own languages. Powerful stories get the whole world talking. It could be world news or college news.
Informational value - We get a lot of our information about each other and the world around us from the news. Information gathering and sharing is part of who we are. Furthermore, it can encourage further reading/listening/watching news stories in English and/or their life.
Reference to someone famous or important - People like talking, speculating, gossiping, criticizing, attacking, defending, idolizing... people in the news. People love (or hate) reading and hearing about the latest people in the latest stories, fashions, sports, crimes, goings on .
Continuity - It seems the same news just keeps happening. This is great to recycle vocabulary, work on recurring concepts and ideas for a second or third time, build up. It should also motivate People to find out more about the stories in their own language. There is ample chance for the teacher and People to revisit and follow up on stories.
Recentness - We’re hungry for news. We need to know now. And so do People. BBC says: “Be the first to know”. CNN says: “As the news breaks, watch it on CNN”. News is living history that becomes part of our everyday lives.
Emotional interest - It touches our every emotion - it interests, absorbs, shocks, disgusts, horrifies, elates, amuses, disturbs, calms, pride, anger, pessimism, optimism, hope, doom, inspiration.
It empowers conversation - “What’s the latest on....?” or “Have you heard?” Two (among many) very common and natural conversation starters..
It provides a sense of oneness with the world - We all like to know what is happening both in our own back yard, with the people we know, as well as what is happening on the other side of the world. News gives us a foothold into feeling part of our world. It fuels and feeds our desire to keep up to date.
- Who, Why ,When Etc.
History Of Dominican Independence (Social And Political Behavior)
- What Makes Dominicans the Way They Are?
Unique Culture- Al segun iba pasando la historia nuestro país asumía y recolectaba elementos propios de otras culturas, las cuales, por distintas circunstancias, llegaban hasta nosotros a través de sus nacionales que emigraban en nuestro suelo, algunas de las circunstancias que determinaron nuestra cultura están:
- El haber sido colonia española.
-22 años de ocupación haitiana, y la consiguiente independencia, que es cuando surge realmente la cultura dominicana.
-Las relaciones que sostenían los estados unidos nuestros gobiernos.
-Dos intervenciones por parte de los estados unidos.
-Una dictadura que duro 31 años de un ambiente de inseguridad en toda la población dominicana.
-La consiguiente democratización del país.
-El rápido desarrollo de la tecnología y la posibilidad de llegada de los medios de comunicación masiva, los que difundieron y siguen difundiendo los elementos culturales de otros pueblos y lo que a llegado a una transculturación casi total de nuestros pueblos, sobre todo en la población joven.
-Podemos afirmar, después de observar estos elementos, que nuestra cultura es un cóctel en el que se han combinado los más diversos tipos de cultura, sin que se haya perdido su autonomía y el sentido de lo autóctono.
- Foreign Relationship, How Are They?
The Dominican Republic is in a strategic spot and is crucial for trade. They have a close relationship with the United States and with the other states of the Inter-American system. It has accredited diplomatic missions in most Western Hemisphere countries and in principal European capitals.
The Dominican Republic belongs to the United Nations and many of its specialized and related agencies, including the World Bank, International Labour Organization, and Central American Integration System.U.S. relations with the Dominican Republic are excellent, and the U.S. has been an outspoken supporter of that country's democratic and economic development. The Dominican Government has been supportive of many U.S. initiatives in the United Nations and related agencies
- Process Of Democratization In The Dr (Highest Peaks)
El gobierno de los 12 años de Balaguer (1966-1978) combinó elementos autoritarios y otros que sirvieron de facilitadores de una futura transición democrática. Los elementos facilitadores de la transición democrática fueron: la permanencia de la estructura formal del Estado (Balaguer no clausuró ninguno de los poderes públicos); la tolerancia de la oposición política menos radicalizada; la política económica de incentivos al desarrollo del empresariado privado, lo cual facilitó no sólo el desarrollo de una nueva clase empresarial, sino también la expansión de las capas medias; la subordinación del poder militar al poder civil de Balaguer; y las condiciones internacionales, particularmente, la mayor presencia de la social democracia en América Latina y los inicios de una política de apoyo a los derechos humanos durante la administración del Presidente Jimmy Carter de los Estados Unidos.
- Where Do We Stand Today In Regards To Democracy
We stand in a Democracy because we can vote for our candidates but the government is very corrupt.
Other Flaws in our "Democratic" System:
Other Flaws in our "Democratic" System:
· The military and police and their command structures.(Moved by money)
· The economic monopolies and oligopolies, large private companies and financial groups.
· The mass media controlled by large economic groups.
· Voting Ballots are altered.
Definition Of Institutionalization, Purpose, Organism
An institution- is any structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals within a given human community.
Purpose- Institutions are identified with a social purpose and permanence, transcending individual human lives and intentions, and with the making and enforcing of rules governing cooperative human behavior.
Process Of Institutionalization in the Dominican Republic. Why Is It Important?
En el caso del Santo Domingo es durante el mandato del tirano, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, cuando se consolida el proceso de institucionalización de lo cultural en el estado moderno. Durante la segunda y tercera década de la tiranía de Rafael Trujillo Molína, surgen importantes instituciones culturales y artísticas. En este período son creadas; la Escuela de Bellas Artes, la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional, el Conservatorio Nacional de Música, el Instituto de Antropología de la Universidad de Santo Domingo.
En los setenta, regresa el Dr. Joaquín Balaguer realizando el Teatro Regional del Cibao y la restauración y ampliación de Plaza de la Cultura de Santiago Apóstol y terminado el ambicioso proyecto del Faro a Colón, que constituyó el eje central de su política cultural, dirigida a contribuir con la conmemoración del V Centenario del Descubrimiento de América.
La década de los noventa constituye un período de transición influido por los acontecimientos que se producen en el contexto internacional, desencadenando procesos a nivel interno que traerán como consecuencia la transformación de las esferas política, económica y judicial y una acentuación del proceso de institucionalización generado durante el presente siglo; lo que ha creado las bases para el inicio de la modernización y reforma del Estado dominicano
Tell me if the Dominican Republic has a regulating organization and how is it called?
The Dominican Republic does have an organization that regulates Dominican Institutions and Public Administration. It is called Ministerio de Administración Pública also known as MAP. Its primary functions are:
1) To design, implement and evaluate policies, plans and strategies for institutional strengthening of public administration, proposing reforms to the organizational and functional structures of the same.
2) To ensure the professionalization of public management and to implement a functional human resource management.
3) To ensure the highest level of effectiveness, quality and productivity of the state’s civil service. For example when it comes to el Misterio de Educacion, measuring the average grades in las Pruebas Nacionales.
4) To evaluate quality management and promote institutional performance assessment.
What is the objective of this organization?
The objectives of this organization are to ensure the work of efficient and democratic Institutions of the state are successfully being completed on a day by day basis . The Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) continuously evaluates the performance of public institutions through the Sistema de Monitoreo de la Administracion Publica (SISMAP). As its name implies SISMAP allows monitoring the performance of institutions through the nine criteria: planning, work organization and HR management of employment, performance, compensation, development, human and social relations, and quality.
- What Should Be The Proper Thing To Do In Order To Have Good Institutions?
- Do You Believe The Dom. Rep. Is Doing Good In That Process, Where Do We Stand?
On May 26, 2011 the newspaper El Dia released an article that stated that Monday the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) will make publicly available its Web platform to monitor the state institutions, centralized and decentralized, which will reveal the level of compliance or not of these. There are a total of 271 entities covered by the system, in which 243 are in red, in relation to 34 indicators or aspects that reflect the degree of transparency with which these are handled and thus, help mitigate the degree of corruption that may exist in different organisms. Within institutions of higher compliance are the Instituto Tecnologico de Las Americas (ITLA) with 90 percent, Public Health, with 70%, and the Technical Office of Land Transportation (OTTT), with 66 percent. Meanwhile among those that fail their compliance are the Ministry of Culture and the Office of the President.
My opinion in the ranking system is that is shameful that the ones that rank the highest in the level of least compliance is the President’s office. Additionally I think greed and personal benefits are what is in the main interest of the Dominicans that manage these organizations. Furthermore I think they are not very very organized and could improve a 300% percent improvement.
Thank You
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