Twitter Bird Gadget

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Several Lies .. uncovered

Your significant other wants to “take a break” over the summer, since you’ll be far apart.  

But the truth is…  They want to fool around with someone else without feeling like they’re cheating on you.
A drunk person will try to hit on you at a party.  

But the truth is…  They’re not that drunk.  They just want an excuse for hitting on you, in case you turn them down.
People ask you a question because they were “just wondering.”    

But the truth is…  They weren’t just wondering.  They spent weeks trying to find the balls to ask you.
A guy will call a girl “a tease.”    

But the truth is…  He’s just mad because she’s not easy, like all the other girls he’s gone after.
Some people have platonic friendships.  

But the truth is…  Men are NEVER satisfied with being friends with a hot chick.  They’re just trying to be patient.
He says to the ex-girlfriend, “Do you want to hang out?”    

But the truth is…  He just wants a booty call.  Don’t fall for it!
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